1800 758 294 info@wealthrite.com.au
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Over 12 Years Of Building Wealth

WealthRite is the exclusive information service that provides valuable financial and investment options that are often sought after but not always known. We supply you with knowledge and access to well established and highly trusted financial institutions. 

We endeavor to educate people on valuable opportunities that aren’t always available to them, that have the potential to improve their lifestyle & circumstances in retirement. Unfortunately, too many Australians accept results given to them because they are not aware of better options.

Let us empower you with the knowledge you need to make better, more informed financial decisions.

Flexible times for hard working people

We understand how pressed for time you are, so we can provide our service after hours and very limited times on weekends.


A Team Of Professionals.

Our professionally trained fund experts will answer all your questions and educate you on aspects required to make an educated decision.


Greater potential

We provide previous and current returns so you can see real results, we use the Governments own super calculators to provide more conservative forecasts. Understand the life changing potential of smarter investment strategies.

What We Do

We are a marketing arm for multiple middle-tier investment firms with unmatched qualifications and proven track records. Middle-tier investment firms are the level above retail Superfunds; they specialize in investing in the wholesale market, opening up a range of diversification options that allow clients to limit risk when compared to the high exposure to the stock market that superfunds typically provide. These middle-tier investment firms typically only manage investments for highly wealthy investors; investors of this nature have much higher expectations. We help ordinary people get access to these smarter investments with increased potential compared to standard retail funds.

Our Approach

Our relationship with these middle tier investment firms allows us to lower the barrier to entry for many of our clients allowing access to these smarter investments.

Our Mission

Our mission is to achieve increased fairness in the investment industry for the average retail investor through education and access to more exclusive financial institutions. We are allowing clients to access portfolios with diversification and returns that have been previously reserved for wealthy and institutional clients.

Self Managed
Super Funds

Self-managed super fund’s don’t need to be any more work than what your currently doing now with the right support. Let us show you how easy, affordable and profitable it can be.

Discover Real Potential

Learn what can be achieved when you have access to more sophisticated investments managed by a middle-tier investment manager with 36 years of proven results.


We’re always happy to hear from existing and potential clients.

3/21 Upton Street, Bundall Queensland 4217 Australia.

Phone: 1800 758 294

Email: info@wealthrite.com.au

ABN: 76 607 443 407

ACN: 607 443 407

Wealth Rite Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Next Generation Advice Ltd (AFSL: 302947)


This website is published solely for informational purposes. It has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any recipient. It is published solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments or assets. References made to third parties are based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable and credible but are not guaranteed as being complete and accurate. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement and due diligence. Any opinions expressed in this material are subject to change without notice. Wealth Rite Pty Ltd accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of all or any part of this material. All information is correct at the time of publication. Additional information may be made available upon request. All rights reserved.

The information shown on this website is general information only. We haven’t taken into account your needs or objectives when providing the information. You should assess your own financial situation and needs and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about products on this website.